TSS Armor Piercing Slug 12 Gauge 2 3/4"
12 Ga. 2 3/4" TSS AP Slug. 630 Gr. Hybrid Slug, 1,400 FT/PS, 2,742 FT/LB. 5 Round Pack. The World's Only True Armor Piercing Slug. The Phoenix Rising TSS Armor Piercing Slug is a hybrid slug that is 1.8 times more dense than lead and 5 times harder than tool steel. It will easily pierce 10 Gauge Steel Plate and a Doubled 4 x4 Wooden Back Stop at 40 yards. It is not only extremely devastating on target, it is also extremely accurate. This combination sets it apart from all other so called armor piercing shotgun ammunition. This round is loaded and tested using the same expertise and professional testing methods as all of our ammunition. All of our ammunition specifications are verified using the latest computer data. We do not pull our specs. out of the air or make them up as is very common among other exotic ammunition brands. While AP ammunition is not for everyone, when you purchase ammunition that your life depends on, which would you rather have? The real deal or fantasy rounds?